Mrs Brown’s Boys confirm spin-off movie plans starring Buster and Dermot

The cast of Mrs Brown’s Boys have confirmed plans for a movie spin-off of the much-loved sitcom.

Brendan O’Carroll, who plays the hilarious matriarch of the Irish clan Agnes, revealed that his son Danny and best mate Paddy Houlihan had been getting to work on a script focusing on their characters, Buster and Dermot. 

Speaking at the BFI, Brendan said: ‘If you watch Mrs Brown, or you watch the TV series, or you come to the live show, you can see that chemistry between them. They’re currently writing a movie about Dermot and Buster.’

Danny then corrected him and said: ‘Written. We’ve written it.’

‘I’ve read the script – you’re writing it!,’ Brendan joked back. 

‘We’ll hopefully direct, get Universal movie, starring the two of them as Dermot and Buster you know, as a bit of a spin-off,’ Brendan elaborated. ‘They’re currently doing that and I think it’s going to be really successful.’ 

‘What’ll make them successful is the chemistry that they have with each other,’ he added. ‘Something that they have that you rarely rarely see, you saw it in Morecombe and Wise.’

Buster and Dermot have become fan favourites on screen thanks to their get-rich-quick schemes and brotherly bond – which is based on their real-life friendship. 

However, because these things can’t be easy, on the show, Brendan’s son Danny plays the family friend Buster, while Paddy, the real-life family friend, plays one of Mrs Brown’s beloved boys. 

To complicate matters further, Brendan’s real-life wife Jennifer Gibney, plays Agnes’ on-screen daughter, Kathy. 

Keeping up?


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